Z-wave Technology

Z-wave Technology
Z-Wave is the world’s leading wireless technology of automation solutions for smart homes. Since 2005, Z-Wave have become a global standard in home automation technology. Smart solutions based on Z-Wave technology offers massive convenience for homeowners, which allows them to save time and money

Vera, Fibaro system installation

Vera, Fibaro system installation The following aspects of the home may be automated:

air-conditioning and heating
telephones and intercoms
audio systems (stereos)
blinds and curtains
gates and doors
pools and spas

When it absolutely, positively has to be reaTo operate the automated components of your home, there are several options available such as touch screens, wall-mounted keypads, television screens, remote controls, and access via the Internet or mobile phones. Home automation works by having these operating devices - keypads, remotes, touch screens etc.
The best time to install a home automation system is when you are building or renovating your home. This allows the allow us to have the best access to the wiring systems, and in turn, this makes installation coat lower. Homes can also be retrofitted with automation systems even if access to wiring is not available thanks to new wireless technologies. Cutting holes in walls are no longer necessary. With new improvement in wireless technology now you have more option and choice to place controls.
To get an accurate idea of what your home automation system will cost, it is best to consult with one of ours staff.
Remember that home automation is about enhancing your home and lifestyle, so any system we install for you it is easy to use.
This allows your whole family to enjoy all the benefits of the system.
Call us to discus design, install and supply the best layout for existing room, or to set up a complete system in new home. ​​s